The Politecnico di Torino, founded in 1906 from the roots of the Technical School for Engineers created in 1859, has a long-standing tradition of leadership of polytechnic culture. It is one of the most important universities in Europe for engineering and architecture studies, strongly committed to collaboration with industry. Currently it is among the top Engineering and Technology universities in the world, the 39th according to the QS University Rankings 2021 by broad Subject, the 34th in Architecture and Built Environment, 33th for Civil and Structural Engineering and 30st in Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing by Subject.
The Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) has an yearly budget of about €300 million and over 36,000 students enrolled in academic courses of different levels, Bachelor, Master of Science, PhD, Specializing Master Courses of I and II Levels (16% of them are international students). POLITO international education network features about 463 bilateral agreements and 120 double-degree agreements with EU and non-EU universities, active participation in university networks and the establishment of international campuses (e.g. Sino-Italian campus of Tongji University in Shanghai). Moreover, it is part of some of the major European interuniversity networks, such as CESAER, CLUSTER, EUA, T.I.M.E, SEFI, ISCN and Magalhaes. These contacts allow spreading and disseminating project results to a wide number of institutions. POLITO employs 961 people among professors and tenured researchers. Each year POLITO draw up about 800 contracts with industries, government funded institutions, local organizations. The participation to many national and international projects allows POLITO to accrue a great experience: it has about 552 international and national funded projects, among which in H2020 it has 265 approved projects with a total EU contribution of 103 million Euro. It has also a strong experience in project coordination. Politecnico di Torino is also active in many activities and projects aiming at citizens’ involvement in science. POLITO is interested in developing permanent partnerships in research and education with industries that want to take advantage of university collaboration for innovation and development. The Cittadella Politecnica (the 170,000 m2 expansion of the main campus in a central position of Torino city) is the place dedicated to cooperation between POLITO and industries.
The Hub POLITO Bxl
Starting from 2021, the Politecnico di Torino has a Brussels office to manage its relations with the European Institutions and other stakeholders in the fields of Research, Innovation and Education. The office in Brussels supports POLITO in monitoring the EU research policy agenda, as well as the EU funding opportunities, in addition to its networking and lobbying activities aimed at boosting the visibility, reputation and influence of the Politecnico in Brussels.