Founded in 1404, the University of Turin (UniTO) is one of the most prestigious Italian universities. At a glance:
- over 81,700 undergraduate students, of which about 4,900 international students
- over 1,100 PhD students
- over 2,000 Academic Staff and 1,900 Administrative Staff
- 157 undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs
- 27 Departments performing training and research, of which 7 Departments hosting the School of Medicine.
UniTO academic rankings for 2020:
- ARWU Shanghai: 4th in Italy and among the top 300 Universities worldwide
- NTU Taiwan “Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers”: 5th in Italy and 178th worldwide
- GreenMetric sustainability ranking: 2nd in Italy and 22nd worldwide
UniTO – Mission and Values:
- UniTO pursues the aims of higher education and research while promoting the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge to the economic and social system and encouraging the founding and support of companies and start-ups that exploit the results of academic research.
- UniTO carries out scientific research for the benefit of citizens addressing the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
- UniTO is a public Higher Education Institution encompassing:
- Education
- Fundamental & Applied Research
- Technology Transfer & Innovation implementation
Clinical activity & teaching, performed in two main settings: Hospitals “Città della Salute e della Scienza” (CSS; the 3rd biggest public hospital in Europe) and “S. Luigi Gonzaga”, as well as in other centers (IRCC “Candiolo Cancer Institute”, Hospital “Mauriziano Umberto I”, Hospital “Amedeo di Savoia”, Hospital “S. Giovanni Bosco”).
UniTO is the unique Italian university leader in a European Universities Alliance, i.e. UNITA- Universitas Montium, devoted to the themes of renewable energies; circular economy and cultural heritage.
UniTO is a Funding and Core Partner in the KIC EIT Food, with more than 50 projects funded over the timeframe 2018-2020, mainly in the Education and Innovation areas, and is involved in all main EIT Food Flagship Initiatives. UniTO is also partner in a project funded through the Food4Health in a cross-KIC Call for proposals 2019, playing a key role in clinical studies related to nutrition and diet diseases.
Currently we are actively involved in the membership’s process for the KIC EIT Health and the KIC EIT CCIs.
UniTO is also the unique University in Italy as coordinating entity in the call pilot, managed by the FEI, concerning the Skills and education guarantee pilot (for the use of an innovative financial instrument at the service of the education and training);
UniTO is deeply engaged in the promotion of the synergies among the different EU funds to promote the sustainable investments in research, innovation and education;
UniTO is extremely attentive to the strenghtening of the organizational infrastructure and of the HR growth, in order to ensure the best technical support to Research, Innovation and Education projects.
LIAISON Office’s Objectives
- Promoting the interests of the University within the EU Programs devoted to Research and Innovation and, following the new competencies of the Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, also in the field of Education (and Digital);
- Increasing the attractiveness of the University in relation to the EU financial Funds (Fund Raising Activity);
- Promoting the relations with other institutional and private partners, i.e. RTD Organizations; enterprises and national and European stakeholders;
- Promoting the potentiality of the research of our University in the European context;
- Analysing the draft documents, elaborated by the EU Institutions with the aim to intervene in the amendment phase;
- Supporting the reasearch groups and the project managers in the management of the European projects, putting in contact with the European Commission’s desk officers.
- Organizing meetings, workshops and conferences with the EU Institutions’ representatives in order to deepen some specific topics.