Freie Universität Bozen | Libera Università di Bolzano | Università Liedia de Bulsan
The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (unibz) was founded in 1997. The university has a strong international outlook, as testified by its multilingual courses (German, Italian, English and Ladin) and the high number of students and teaching staff from abroad. The university has five faculties: a high percentage of lecturers (35%) and students (17%) come from abroad and they study, teach and do research in the fields of Economics, Natural Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences, Education and Design. There are 4,100 students registered to more than 30 undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses.
The University has many partnerships with other European Universities and also with International Universities. What makes unibz stand out among all universities, in Italy and in Europe, is the multilingualism of its courses and research. The three official languages – Italian, German and English – are used during classes, meetings, conferences and in all events. Thus, the university offers an ideal environment not only to acquire specific knowledge in the disciplines at the basis of each one’s degree course, but also to master the communication skills required by employment and by an increasingly globalized society.
Though, it is a young university, in national rankings it reaches, top positions every year. In 2018, for the fourth consecutive year, the Italian research centre for social studies Censis has ranked the university as number one among smaller non state universities (less than 5,000 students). We rank high in international rankings too, especially under the categories ‘internationalisation’, ‘student satisfaction’ and ‘practice-oriented’.
Brussels office
Since the beginning of 2020, unibz has a representation in Brussels aimed at promoting the research and innovation within EU, increasing new synergies and welcome new scientific collaborations. Moreover, an active presence in the Brussels scene is aimed at encouraging the involvement in several networks and institutions in order to increase the participation in European project consortia and promoting the research activities carry on in the high technological laboratories the Universities has.
Services of the Brussels office:
- Promote the University interests and activities and the interaction of other European partners
- Promote European Project Planning
- Promote activities to reinforce the presence of the University at a European level
- Promote active collaboration in the European research and innovation networks of the Bruxelles scene
- Promote lobbying activities