Universities of Applied Sciences Netherlands (UASNL) is the Brussels office for a group of 16 Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences, with a strong focus on applied research in the European context. The 16 UAS aim to improve the profile and knowledge of applied research, and to be more active in European innovation projects. Applied research contributes to a future-proof labor market and makes sure the UAS stay vital and innovative. The UASNL focus on one or more regional societal challenges, but also tackle global challenges. The UN SDG act as a strategic guideline from where specific research is being designed. Most important topics are:
- Health: care and vitality
- Education and talent development
- Sustainable society: in the neighborhood, city and region
- Smart technology and materials
- Build environment: sustainable and livable
- Sustainable transport and intelligent logistics
- Sustainable agriculture, water and food provision
- Energy and energy supply
- Art and creative industry
- Responsible and innovative entrepreneurship
Regional challenges
Often multiple topics are tackled in different research groups within one UAS. In most cases regional challenges are leading in the specific challenges that the UAS focuses on. All UASNL have research groups build around a societal challenge, often with a Center of Expertise (CoE). A CoE is a partnerships which involves one or more UAS, companies, governments and other public organizations. Here they experiment, innovate and invest in societal challenges such as the energy transition, healthy ageing or futureproof sustainable water supplies.
Professional orientation
UAS place a strong emphasis on a deep entanglement of providing high-quality higher education, scientific research and social services, which translate into practical training, practical applications and practical innovation. In UAS, knowledge valorization and practice-oriented scientific research is intertwined with the educational activities, such as labs, projects and, not the least, through internships and workplace learning.
Services of the Brussels office
- Strengthening the profile of UAS in Europe, specifically around applied research
- European Universities participation
- Collaboration interest in European Innovation projects
- Interest in research with societal impact
The office represents the following universities:
- Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Amsterdam University of the Arts
- ArtEZ University of the Arts
- Avans Universtity of Applied Scieces
- Breda University of Applied Sciences
- Fontys University of Applied Sciences
- HAN University of Applied Sciences
- Hanze University of Applied Sciences
- HKU University of the Arts Utrecht
- HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
- Hogeschool Zeeland
- HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
- InHolland University of Applied Science
- Leiden University of Applied Science
- NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
- Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Saxion University of Applied Sciences
- The Hague University of Applied Sciences
- Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
- Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
- Zuyd University of Applied Sciences